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Masons donate to Atascadero Fine Arts Academy 

Back row L-R: Samadhy Coots (PTSA Treasurer), Christian Marano (King David’s Past Master), Kibbie Rubin (Principal), Susan Sparling (PTSA Vice President), Roni DeCoster (PTSA President), and Franca Lansky (PTSA VP of Membership). Front row L-R: Caitlyn Whaley and Izzy Nunes, Student Leadership Representatives.

–The Masons of King David’s Masonic Lodge No. 209 in San Luis Obispo recently donated $1,000 to the Atascadero Fine Arts Academy (AFAA). This presentation was part of the fall 2018 philanthropy program of the lodge, which totaled $15,000. Located in Atascadero, AFAA is the only public school in the county that delivers arts-based curriculum to 4th-8th grade students.

The funds will be used to support AFAA students as they wrap up their annual Art-A-Thon fundraiser. The donation was presented by Christian Marano, a Past Master of the lodge. The Masons of King David’s Lodge also donated $1,000 to AFAA during the spring philanthropy program earlier this year to support 6th grade students attending outdoor science camp.

King David’s Lodge is involved in supporting a variety of nonprofit philanthropic efforts, both locally and statewide. In addition, the lodge awards more than $20,000 annually in scholarships to local high school seniors. To learn more about local Masonic activity, contact the lodge secretary, George Brown, at (805) 459-42255 or [email protected].

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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