Heart to Heart gifts $30,000 to 12 local charities
–Heart to Heart Real Estate owners, Mark McConnell and Liz Lee, have kicked off what they call their “Giveapalooza,” – a week of giving back more than $30,000 to the community. The gifting began on Tuesday and concludes Friday. A dozen local charities, many that are not aware of the donation, will be the recipients.

Heart to Heart gifted $1,000 to the El Camino Homeless Organization.
Donations are from Heart to Hearst’s property sales commissions. The company’s business model is to gift half of all commissions back to community charities, which are selected by Heart to Heart clients.
McConell and Lee will be dressed as Santa Claus and his merry elf, traveling around the North County in their red-nosed reindeer car this week, delivering giant checks to the 12 charitable organizations and nonprofits selected by their clients.
For more information visit www.hearttoheartrealestate.com.