County’s most wanted: Rony Alexis Lopezmunguia
December 13th, 2018
–The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office asks, Have you seen this man? Rony Alexis Lopezmunguia, 40, is wanted for failing to appear in court for five
County’s most wanted: Suspect captured
December 13th, 2018
–Serena Lynn Bishop, a prior featured suspect in the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Department Most Wanted list, was captured by the Coalinga Police Department.
New mayor, two new city council members sworn in
December 12th, 2018
–Tuesday night at the Rotunda, the Atascadero City Council swore in a new mayor and two new city council members. Heather Moreno was sworn in
Pile burning operations planned in Morro Bay State Park
December 12th, 2018
–Pile burning operations in Morro Bay State Park Burning will occur as conditions allow between Tuesday Dec. 12 and Friday Dec. 14. They will be
Leadership North County class graduates Thursday
December 12th, 2018
–The Leadership North County class of 2018 graduates this Thursday, Dec. 13. The class includes twenty-two outstanding individuals who participated in a nine-month program, beginning
Holiday magic at the Charles Paddock Zoo returns Dec. 15
December 11th, 2018
–Santa will be at the Charles Paddock Zoo on Saturday, Dec. 15 to help welcome visitors and deliver gifts to the animals. Scheduled gift delivery
All county libraries closed Dec. 11 – 13
December 11th, 2018
–Due to the strike all County of SLO Public Libraries will potentially be closed December 11 – 13, 2018. The county will open libraries as
Sheriff’s association supports county employees’ strike
December 11th, 2018
Letter from the Sworn Deputy Sheriffs Association, submitted by the San Luis Obispo County Employees’ Association Dear SLOCEA, I am writing on behalf of the
Roadwork scheduled in Atascadero
December 11th, 2018
–The City of Atascadero is anticipating completion of the El Camino Real/ San Anselmo and 2018 F-14 Roadway Rehabilitation Projects this month. There are miscellaneous
ECHO shelter receives feminine hygiene product donation
December 10th, 2018
–Feminine hygiene products are some of the most needed items at shelters, yet they are also some of the least donated. The Commission on the Status