Zoo hosting annual conservation celebration April 18

Participants in last year’s kid’s karaoke show. Courtesy photo.
On Saturday, April 18, starting at 10 a.m., the Charles Paddock Zoo will host a family event focusing on the importance of natural resource conservation and the protection of animals and plants, both locally and globally.
There will be interactive, hands-on activities and demonstrations. Activities include: animal charades, rain barrel painting, making water conservation bracelets and kid’s karaoke. Kids will be able to visit the unique up-cycled/recycled party decoration station and turn everyday items into great party decorations. There will be face painting, raffle prizes, and Zoo story time. The education station will share ways to conserve indoors and out.
This is an event at no cost beyond regular zoo admission. Zoo admission is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $5 for ages 3-11, and free for ages 2 & under. Potential exhibitors, particularly non-profits and sustainability-focused businesses, are encouraged to contact the zoo regarding participation; there is no charge to exhibit. For more information, please visit the SLO Conservation Celebration facebook page.

Courtesy photo.
About the Charles Paddock Zoo
The Charles Paddock Zoo is located at 9100 Morro Road, Atascadero, and can be reached by phone at (805) 461-5080. The Zoo is owned and operated by the City of Atascadero and is the Central Coast’s only zoo accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. The zoo is home to hundreds of animal species from around the world. Many of the zoo residents are part of globally managed programs to preserve animals and their habitats. The zoo features several unique species not often seen in facilities of their size, including fossa, red pandas, Malayan tiger, lemurs and meerkats, as well as many other mammals, birds, reptiles and insects. For more information, go to charlespaddockzoo.org.