YMCA to host fashion show fundraiser Feb. 27

There will be a special guest performance by local country singer and performer Callie Twisselman.
North County YMCA raising funds to expand scholarships for North County youth programs
–North County YMCA will be hosting, “Paso Unveiled Fashion Show Extravaganza,” on Feb. 27 at 7 p.m. to help grow its scholarships and programming to help more families in need pay for pre-school, after school programs, youth sports, and a number of other platforms.
“We are excited about this event and hope many members of our local community will come out, enjoy a fun evening of entertainment, and support our local YMCA,” said SLO County YMCA Board Member and North County Advisory Committee Chair Nicolette Harley-Barth. “Proceeds from ‘Paso Unveiled’ will serve a large segment of our community going towards scholarships for local children so they may attend Y classes, camps and programs.”
The North County YMCA has North County Division raised nearly $37,000 over the last two years that support two after school sites, summer day camp and the Y Youth Institute Program in Cambria, two after school sites in Shandon, a preschool, and an after school program and day camp programs in Paso Robles.
Bobby Horn, former Paso Robles Pioneer Player actor, singer and dancer, will come out of retirement to perform as Master of Ceremonies. Local celebrities and community members will model fashions from Paso Robles clothing stores including Apropos, Boot Barn, Alliance Board Co., Burlap Clothing Co., Little Wash, Bella Novia Bridal, and more. Students from Design School of Cosmetology will help coordinate fashion makeup and costumes selections. Dance performances include the God Squad Dance Crew, Main St. Dance, and Allan Hancock College’s Daydreamers with Jesus Solorio. There will also be a special guest performance by local country singer and performer Callie Twisselman.
Tickets are $35 per person and include access to the show, entertainment, appetizers, and desserts.
Purchase tickets now at the Paso Robles YMCA office located in the gym at Centennial Park, or click here to buy tickets. Local wine by Zenaida Cellars and beer will be available for purchase; doors open at 7 p.m. with the show starting at 8 p.m.
For more information, check out the SLOYMCA Facebook page or visit www.sloymca.org.