Women’s march happening in San Luis Obispo Saturday
–The 3rd Annual Women’s March is returning to downtown San Luis Obispo on Saturday. Working closely with the organizers of the Women’s March, city staff and local public safety agencies are taking several proactive steps to ensure the event is safe and orderly for everyone involved. Event organizers are expecting 2000 people to attend.
“The Police Department will be in place Saturday – for the third year in a row – and is committed to another safe and peaceful event. We’re asking for the public’s help to ensure everyone’s rights are respected,” said Police Chief Deanna Cantrell.
Beginning at 9 a.m., street closures will be in effect. Street closures will remain in place until the march ends, except for Osos and Pismo immediately surrounding Mitchell Park. The Osos and Pismo closures are scheduled to stay in effect until 12:00 p.m. but could be opened as soon as the march ends.
The following streets will be no parking, tow away zones starting at 6 a.m. until 1 p.m., or as soon as possible.
▪ Higuera from Santa Rosa to Broad
▪ Marsh from Santa Rosa to Broad
▪ Morro, Chorro, Garden and Broad between Higuera and Marsh
▪ Osos from Monterey to Buchon
▪ Pismo between Santa Rosa and Osos
Higuera, Marsh and Broad Street will remain open for vehicle and pedestrian traffic only, with no parking on the above-identified locations, until the fifteen minutes before the march begins. The full march route closure is estimated to begin around 9 a.m. The city is committed to opening streets as soon as it is safe to do so. The public should plan on using Nipomo, Palm, and Santa Rosa as primary detours around the event.
The city has also worked with event organizers to make sure certain amenities are in place such as portable toilets, a lost-child station at the event’s information table, and medical support services such as EMT crews. The city has also assigned additional police officers to patrol duty and arranged for stand-by help from other area public safety agencies.