Warm and windy weather in forecast this week for Atascadero
Highest wind gusts expected Thursday
– Warm, windy weather is in the forecast this week for Atascadero and San Luis Obispo County, according to Weather Underground.
Tuesday should see a high temperature of 82-degrees in Atascadero, and Wednesday’s expected high is 91-degrees. Thursday should see a daytime high of around 87, and by Friday, temperatures are expected to cool off again back into the upper 70s and remain there over the weekend, warming up slightly into next week.
Click here to view a 10-day forecast for Atascadero from Weather Underground.
PG&E Meteorologist John Lindsey is forecasting, “windy and clear weather for the next couple of days,” in San Luis Obispo County:
SLO County forecast: Windy and clear weather for the next couple days. https://t.co/SAT2ZpwPM7 pic.twitter.com/KaaxyFk6lh
— John Lindsey (@PGE_John) May 30, 2022