Updates to city planning, building submittal process
–Even though Atascadero City Hall is temporarily closed to the public to help maintain social distancing and reduce potential exposure to staff and the community, the city will continue to provide services to the community and is actively working to develop new ways of providing these services while following CDC and Health Department guidelines.
Beginning March 25, 2020, the following procedure will be in place for Planning and Building submittals:
- The city will accept new construction permits for both new commercial and residential projects.
- Permits for elective construction on occupied residences will not be accepted at this time unless such construction is for the repair of critical health/safety items such as roofing, heating, water heaters or other items necessary to maintain adequate health and sanitation.
- The city will only be accepting plans via courier or other delivery services (FedEx, UPS, GSO, USPS, etc.). On a limited basis, appointments may be accepted to drop off plans at City Hall.
- Please address the package to the appropriate department (Planning, Building, Public Works)
- Small or over-the-counter type Building permits can be emailed to our staff at: [email protected].
- For Planning and building permit inquiries, please email: [email protected] or call staff at (805) 461-5000.
- For Engineering/Public Works permit inquiries, call (805) 461-5000.
- Building Permits that are ready to issue will have all final docs e-mailed to the applicant for signature, permits and plans may be returned via delivery service or picked up by appointment.
- Payment for fees can be made via check mailed to our office.
- City staff is available by email and phone by calling the main city hall line at (805) 461-5000.
Posted in: Top Stories