Update: Local congressman tests positive for COVID-19

US Congressman Salud Carbajal
Update posted Oct. 7, 2020:
–US Congressman Salud Carbajal issued the following statement after learning he tested positive for COVID-19:
“After discovering I was exposed to an individual who tested positive for COVID-19, I took an initial COVID-19 test which came back negative. Following the negative result, I was instructed to quarantine for 14 days and self-monitor for symptoms.
“After I began to experience mild symptoms, I was instructed to take another test today by the Attending Physician, which resulted in a positive. I will continue to monitor symptoms and carry out my duties virtually.
“The vast majority of my staff has been working remotely and are not at risk. Staff members who I did interact with have been tested and are negative, or are pursuing a test.
“I hope this serves a reminder of how easily this virus can spread. I followed every precaution, including wearing a mask, social distancing, and hand-washing and unfortunately was still exposed. It is incumbent on every single one of us to take careful precautions in order to protect the health and safety of those around us.
“Thank you for the well wishes, I look forward to returning to the Central Coast soon as I am able.”
Original story posted Oct. 6, 2020:
Local US Congressman in quarantine after COVID-19 exposure
–US Congressman Salud Carbajal (D-Santa Barbara) is in quarantine in Washington, DC after recent exposure to a person diagnosed with COVID-19, his office announced on Monday. Carbajal represents San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties and part of Ventura County. He is currently campaigning for reelection, facing challenger Andy Caldwell.
Carbajal issued the following statement Monday:
“No one is immune to contracting coronavirus and Congress is certainly no exception. Despite taking every precaution — including wearing a mask, social distancing, and hand-washing — I have learned I was exposed to an individual who tested positive for COVID-19. I immediately got tested, which thankfully came back negative and I will continue to consult with my doctor.
“Given that symptoms may still appear up to two weeks after exposure to the virus, the House Attending Physician directed me to stay in Washington, DC and quarantine for 14 days to self-monitor for symptoms. Accordingly, I will be carrying out my responsibilities virtually in order to protect the health and safety of others.”