Trio of economists to offer early look at 2018 during Central Coast Economic Forecast

Caroline Beteta.
–Caroline Beteta, a leader in California economic development, will join Beacon Economics analysts Chris Thornberg and Robert Kleinhenz on the speaker dais at the 2017 Central Coast Economic Forecast (CCEF). The annual event will be held Fri, Nov 3 at the Alex Madonna Expo Center in San Luis Obispo, from 7:30–11:30 a.m.
Beteta is president and CEO of Visit California and the director of tourism in the governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development. Beteta, credited with leading sweeping changes in tourism marketing in support of economic development, will offer global-scale insight on the close relationship between tourism and business investment.
Beacon Economics’ founding principal, Chris Thornberg, known for his humorous, no-holds-barred approach to economic analysis, will discuss the national and state economies and how they will likely affect business on the Central Coast. Robert Kleinhenz, Beacon’s executive director of research, will offer statistical insights on the local economy with a close focus on San Luis Obispo County. Beacon Economics is an independent research and consulting firm dedicated to delivering accurate, insightful and objective economic analysis to help clients make informed decisions about investment, growth, revenue and policy.
The annual forecast event begins with continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m. followed by presentations. Bob Wacker of R.E. Wacker Wealth Partners LLC will serve as master of ceremonies. Admission includes access to the 2017-2018 San Luis Obispo Economic Outlook Report. Individual reservations can be made online at the CCEF website. Cost per individual ticket through Oct13 is $120; increasing to $135 beginning Oct 14.
The CCEF is produced with support from platinum level sponsors PG&E, Bank of America, BCA (Barnett Cox Public Relations), Cal Poly Office of the President, Cal Poly Orfalea College of Business and Cal Poly Technology Park, along with dozens of local business, organization and government sponsors. The CCEF is overseen by a volunteer board of local business leaders and was developed to provide a reliable and insightful source of local, state and national economic information.