Today is deadline for sheriff’s Christmas bicycle giveaway
–The deadline for applications to request a child’s bicycle through the Sheriff’s Office Christmas Bicycle Giveaway is today, Nov. 30. If you know a child in need (15 and under) and would like to request an application, e-mail Sergeant Matt Andrews at: [email protected] or visit You can find the application under resources on the Sheriff’s Office home page and then click on forms and applications in the drop down menu.
This program was set up 29 years ago to promote the holiday spirit by giving away refurbished bicycles and new helmets to children in need in San Luis Obispo County. The Christmas Bike Giveaway will be held on Wednesday, December 19th at 9 a.m. at the Sheriff’s Honor Farm. They are having an early kick off to the event on Thursday, Dec. 13 at the San Luis Obispo Farmer’s Market.