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Tent City Marathon to raise money for Atascadero Printery restoration 

Marathon to benefit the restoration and renewal of Atascadero’s Printery

— A marathon to help the community is now seeking more sign-ups, to raise funds for Printery in Atascadero. The Atascadero Printery foundation is transforming the Historic Printery Building into a multi-purpose facility to house community events and performances. With a lot of fundraising ahead of them, the foundation is going to be home to the first ever Tent City Marathon fundraiser, on March 25, 2018. This marathon is seeking to have about 500 more participants sign up. To sign up, click here. The endurance-run will also include a 5k and 10k race, and a “None-Run” where guests can sit in lawn chairs with beers and cupcakes and cheer on runners. Local clubs and groups are still needed, around many more people need to join the marathon to reach their goal. International runners from the UK, Spain, and a team from New York will also be participating in the race. 

The printery is still being rehabilitated and needs around $7 million dollars of work done before it is ready to be used, according to the foundation. For more information on the Tent City Marathon in Atascadero, please visit www.tentcitymarathon.comFuture events for the printery can be found on their website,


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