Templeton students make a statement by ‘Zooming in the parking lot’

Students filmed by KSBY.
–While school officials in Atascadero and Paso Robles wrestle with how to reopen schools under the governor’s metrics, some students at Templeton High School made a statement yesterday; several high school students did their “distance learning” in the THS parking lot. Templeton Associated Student Body President Abbey Daly says the students wanted to show school board members that they are anxious and ready to return to school.
The Templeton School District Board of Trustees met last night to discuss reopening, but under the governor’s restrictions, schools will not reopen until they apply to their county health department for a waiver, and the county meets the governor’s metrics.
Californa is among eight states that are ordering partial closures. Most states in the country are leaving school reopening up to the individual district. Four states ordered students to return to school.