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Templeton Area Advisory Group to discuss two new prospective gas stations 

Templeton Area Advisory Group to discuss two new prospective gas stations

– The Templeton Area Advisory Group conducted a preliminary review and discussion of two proposed gas station facilities during its recent board meeting. The permit applications for the projects, referred to TAAG by San Luis Obispo County Planning, were received on May 30 and June 10.

The two proposed projects, submitted by unrelated applicants, are identified as Planning Project Nos. N-DRC2024-00026 and N-DRC2024-00024. A discussion will focus on the details of these proposed Vineyard Drive gas station facilities.

Project No. N-DRC2024-00026: Mavrik Inc. fueling station facility

This project is proposed by Mavrik Inc. and is located at 720 Vineyard Drive, adjacent to the west side of Highway 101. The property is currently a 2.45-acre land parcel with a 1,363-square-foot residential structure converted into a home and patio decor store, The Trading Post. The site includes undeveloped northern land and developed southern land with barn-like structures. The proposed project includes:

  • A 5,637-square-foot convenience store building
  • A car fuel-dispensing station with 20 pumps
  • An ancillary parking lot with 35 stalls
  • A generator, a trash enclosure, and an air station


Project No. N-DRC2024-00024: AU Energy LLC gas station facility

This project is proposed by AU Energy LLC and is located on a 2.29-acre vacant parcel at the northeast corner of the Vineyard-101 overpass intersection. The project includes:

  • A 5,000-square-foot convenience store
  • A 1,176-square-foot self-serve carwash
  • A 3,112-square-foot quick service restaurant (QSR) with a drive-thru
  • Two 20,000-gallon underground fuel storage tanks
  • A 2,872-square-foot fuel canopy covering four fuel dispensers


Additional site improvements including an outdoor seating area, parking stalls, an accessible path of travel, EV charging stations, masonry trash enclosures, site lighting, air and water equipment, vacuum equipment, and landscaping

AU Energy LLC provided additional details about the project’s operations:

  • Items for sale: Gasoline, pre-packaged food items, sundry items, automobile accessories, self-service beverages, pastries, and various drinks.
  • Employees: The gas station will have four full-time employees per shift, including a manager and an assistant manager, across three shifts per day. The carwash will not employ staff. The QSR will have five employees per shift, with two shifts per day.
  • Hours of operation: The gas station, convenience store, and carwash will operate 24/7. The QSR will operate from 6 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week.
  • Fuel delivery: Deliveries will occur seven times per week.
  • Recycled carwash water: Water will be treated in a recycled water treatment tank system before discharge.
  • Site lighting: Exterior lighting will ensure safety without causing glare or excessive light spillage onto adjacent properties or public right-of-way.


The review is for discussion purposes only, and no decisions will be made at this meeting.

The regular meeting of the Templeton Area Advisory Group (TAAG) will be held at the Templeton Community Service District Board Room located at 206 Fifth Street Templeton, on Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m.


About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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