‘Talk on the Block’ held at Methodist Church in Atascadero
–Atascadero’s first “Talk on the Block” attracted about 50 people to the United Methodist Church in south Atascadero Wednesday night.
City Manager Rachelle Rickard was joined by Community Development Director Phil Dunsmore, Police Chief Jerel Haley, Fire Chief Casey Bryson, Public Works Director Nick DeBar and Finance Director Jeri Rangel. The city’s department heads fielded questions from neighbors and curious citizens in an informal town hall setting.
Some raised questions about how the city could stabilize rent at Atascadero mobile home parks. Another asked about sewer rates. Rachelle Ricard explained that legally restricting mobile home rents is tricky- that it involves timing. When was the park built? And when were the laws enacted? She told the group sewer rates may be going up $4 per month before the year is out. She says there’s lots of work to be one at the 50-year-old water quality control plant. Many of the questions related to costs facing those living on a fixed income.
A woman asked, “Why there are no handicapped parking spaces at the Senior Citizens Center?” A church youth pastor asked about crosswalks across Viejo Camino at Paloma Creek Park. Police Chief Jerel Haley says the city cannot put crosswalks in unsafe locations because it gives pedestrians an unrealistic expectation of safety. He cited a case in Port Hueneme where a pedestrian was struck in a city crosswalk, and he successfully sued the city for damages.Although they sat in the audience and listened, all five members of the Atascadero City Council attended the event. At the conclusion of the discussion, Mayor Heather Moreno thanked those in attendance, but the city leaders did not leave. They each stayed and answered questions one-on-one from people who did not feel comfortable asking them during the meeting.
The next “Talk on the Block” meeting is Thursday evening, May 30 at Community Church of Atascadero at 5850 Rosario Avenue. That’s located in the north end of Atascadero near the police station. Two more will be held next week. The first is Tuesday at Pavilion on the Lake. Thursday, the final Talk on the Block will be held at Monterey Road Elementary School. Each event will be from 6-7 p.m.
The Talk on the Block town hall meetings are sponsored by the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce.