Supervisor Debbie Arnold discusses reservoir levels, public safety, roads

5th District Supervisor Debbie Arnold.
Update by 5th District Supervisor, Debbie Arnold
After all the rain we’ve received this winter, we can enjoy the beautiful lush green hills, running creeks throughout the county, and the replenishment of our water supply. Below is a reservoir update as of March 14th (
Reservoir update
I think we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief to see this encouraging data. The county is actively working with cities to develop Groundwater Sustainability Plans to comply with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) passed by the State legislature in 2014. With six (6) identified basins in our county, there is a lot of work to do to plan for a sustainable water future. From reducing demand to creating new storage, many ideas are being discussed to ensure that our County’s water supply is sustainable far into the future.
We have begun working on the County’s budget for FY 2019/2020. Budget Hearings will be held in the Board Chamber on June 10th through the 12th this year. The budget process will be guided by legal requirements (e.g., meet legal mandates and debt service requirements) and priorities as adopted by the Board of Supervisors:
Long-term priorities: public safety and county roads
Short-term priorities: Stepping up initiative/jail medical, affordable housing, cannabis code enforcement, groundwater sustainability plans, and economic development.
As PG&E, the county’s largest private employer, prepares for decommissioning of Diablo Canyon, the county is working to enhance economic activity.
We are working hard to continue to provide excellent service to the citizens of this county while facing a potentially slower revenue stream. The County has maintained healthy reserves to be ready for the challenges ahead.
It’s an honor to represent the 5th District.
Debbie Arnold