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Stretch of Highway 41 in Atascadero remains closed 

Highway 41 closed at San Gabriel Road

Project to re-open could be halted today due to forecasted rainfall

– Highway 41 is closed west of Atascadero. The highway is closed westbound at San Gabriel road. Residents who live inside the closed stretch of highway are allowed through, but others are turned away.

Caltrans says the closure is between San Gabriel and Los Altos. Souza Construction is removing about 10,000 yards of dirt in order to remove a mudslide blocking the roadway. They hope to complete the work by this weekend, although they plan to take a break Tuesday because of heavy rain in the forecast for the area.

Alongside Highway 41, one can see the shredded trees and vegetation which lined Atascadero Creek before the rain storms unleashed in early January.

homeless higher ground

One homeless man set up his tent just off the bike trail which parallels Highway 41. The flood waters sent many homeless people camping in the riverbed to higher ground. Some tents are caught high in branches where the river turned into a monster during the storms.

Although Cal Trans hopes to get the roadway open by this weekend, if the weather cooperates, they may get it done before then.

Atascadero Creek Bed after the storm.

Atascadero Creek Bed after the storm.

Forecasters are predicting the North County will receive just over an inch of rain on Tuesday, then we’ll have mostly sunny skies through Sunday.

Click here to view a 10-day weather forecast for Paso Robles from Weather Underground. 


About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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