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Street resurfacing associated with pipeline project may cause traffic delays 

So Cal Gas begins final street restoration for El Camino Real in Atascaderosocalgascompany

–Southern California Gas work crews have begun the final stage of street restoration on El Camino Real in Atascadero associated with a gas transmission pipeline project. A microsurfacing treatment has begun to place from just south of the Vons Shopping Center near A-Town Diner, to El Bordo Avenue near the Post Office. The work is anticipated to end by 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 30. Residents are encouraged to please plan accordingly as there will be traffic delays.

On Tuesday, So Cal Gas crews will be performing prep work including pavement marking removal. On Wednesday through Friday the 28th through 30th, the actual microsurfacing of the roadway will take place. Microsurfacing is a mixture of asphalt emulsion and fine aggregate that is applied over the roadway surface to restore and rejuvenate the pavement surface.

Motorists should take into consideration that there may be up to five-minute traffic delays while the work is taking place, especially through intersections on El Camino Real including Curbaril Avenue and Santa Rosa Road, and should avoid these areas if possible. Businesses will be accessible during this final phase of the project.

Permanent pavement markings will be installed the week of October 10th. Traffic delays and impediments to business accesses are not expected during this phase. After the permanent pavement markings are installed, the So Cal Gas transmission pipeline project in Atascadero will be complete.

Continued motorist patience with traffic delays and disruption that may be experienced during this last phase of the project will be appreciated as the Gas Company crews work to complete the final restoration. Work will be conducted as quietly and as quickly as possible, but equipment noise and traffic congestion is expected to occur.

If you have any questions or concerns before or during the microsurfacing work, please contact Nick Brooks, Public Affairs Project Coordinator, at (949) 445-5373 or [email protected].

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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