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SLO County residents 65 and older now eligible for COVID-19 vaccine 


Only 1,905 first-dose appointments available next week

–SLO County residents age 65 and older can now reserve an appointment to get their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. This decision comes at the recommendation of the local Vaccine Task Force based on the current vaccine supply and risk of serious outcomes from COVID-19.

Residents age 65 and older, as well as eligible residents under Phase 1a, can reserve a COVID-19 vaccine appointment for next week as early as Thursday, Feb. 11 at 9 a.m. Appointments are currently limited, due to limited vaccine supply, but more appointments may become available weekday mornings as supply allows.

“Because we have a very limited number of vaccine doses right now, please let those most at risk for exposure and serious health outcomes get an appointment first if you can safely continue to shelter at home to reduce your risk of exposure,” said Dr. Penny Borenstein, County Health Officer. “Everyone in SLO County will have a chance to get vaccinated against COVID-19, but those at higher risk should get their shot first.”

The county expects to administer more than 6,100 doses next week at its COVID-19 vaccine clinics, which will operate Tuesday through Thursday. SLO County is home to over 38,000 residents between 65 and 74 years old. However, less than 2,000 first dose appointments will be available next week only at the clinic in San Luis Obispo. Less than 500 second-dose appointments will be available at the SLO vaccine clinic for those who already received Pfizer, and the Arroyo Grande and Paso Robles vaccine clinics will each have about 1,900-second dose-appointments for those who already received Moderna. Until local supply increases, County officials ask that eligible residents allow our most vulnerable community members to have first access to vaccines.

“Community members over 65 now have their turn to get vaccinated, but, unfortunately, we have very few appointments available at this time,” said Dr. Borenstein. “We’ve made great progress in administering the vaccine we have and hope our future vaccine allocation from the State will allow us to continue to protect more members of our community.”

Schedule an appointment at or by calling the county’s Phone Assistance Center at (805) 543-2444, which is now available 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eligible residents can also book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment at select pharmacies and French Hospital as their own independent supply allows. See other local vaccine opportunities and book your first-dose appointment.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at

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