SLO County Board of Supervisors discuss budget

Photo by Dick Mason.
The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors initiated budget talks Monday morning. The budget discussion will continue today for its third day.
According to the county’s budget summary, 2015-2016 fiscal year represents a significant milestone for the county, as it is the first year since the Great Recession that the county is able to fully fund its contingencies and increase its reserves, while making significant investments in the many programs and services that are provided to the community.
County operations have changed over the past seven years in response to policy changes at the state and federal levels, as well as changing community needs.

Sources of revenue. Courtesy of San Luis Obispo County.
The proposed budget authorizes a total spending level of $564.3 million, with a general fund budget of $464.6 million. The overall budget represents an increase of just under four percent compared to the current year.
The proposed budget for FY 2015-16 represents a balance among the county’s spending priorities.

County expenditures. Courtesy of San Luis Obispo County.
Notable investments include:
Financial Security

10-year staffing history. Courtesy of San Luis Obispo County.
• Full restoration of contingencies to the Board adopted target of five percent.
• $3.5 million to the Capital Improvement Project Reserve to fund future capital projects.
• $3.5 million to the Building Replacement Reserve to fund the necessary replacement of county facilities in the future.
• $1 million to the Automation Replacement Reserve to fund future automation projects.
• $1 million to a designation to assist in paying down a portion of the County’s Pension Obligation Bond debt.
Programs and Services
• Augmentations of $12.2 million ($4.1 million of General Fund) to various programs and services. This includes an increase to
staffing levels by 77.25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) positions.
• Increase of roads funding with a one-time general fund allocation of $3 million and an ongoing general fund increase of 10 percent ($740 thousand) to fund road maintenance. The additional funds will bring the total general fund contributions to $11.1 million in FY 2015- 16.
• Full funding of prioritized capital, maintenance, and automation projects without the use of reserve funds.
Detailed information about budget changes is available at