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Sheriff’s Office Citizen Academy offers inside look at law enforcement 

Next session starts Aug. 30

– The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff’s Citizen Academy will host its next session from Aug. 30 to Nov. 8, offering community members an opportunity to gain insights into the workings of the sheriff’s office and various aspects of law enforcement. Throughout the academy, participants will receive an in-depth introduction to sheriff’s office operations and specialized units, including tours of the jail, court services, dispatch/911 center, and the range.

The comprehensive curriculum will cover topics such as criminal and civil law, investigations, patrol procedures, crime prevention, drug enforcement/education, gang enforcement/education, and more. Notably, students will also have the chance to experience a patrol deputy ride-along and participate in demonstrations by a Range Master at the Virtra shooting simulator.

The primary objective of the Sheriff’s Citizen Academy is to provide citizens with an overview of the sheriff’s office policies and procedures.

Although the curriculum and teaching methods are akin to those of traditional law enforcement academies, the weekly sessions do not intend to train participants as law enforcement officers. While the opportunity to undergo further training as part of the Sheriff’s Office Auxiliary Volunteer Patrol will be available, it is not a requirement for attending the academy.

The program typically spans 11 weeks, with classes scheduled once a week from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Family and friends are encouraged to join the participants in a graduation ceremony held during the final week.

Prospective candidates interested in attending the academy must meet specific eligibility criteria:

  • Live or work in San Luis Obispo County
  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • No prior felony convictions
  • No misdemeanor arrests within one year
  • Valid driver’s license or ID card


To attend the Sheriff’s Citizen Academy, fill out the application available here and mail or email it to:

Academy Coordinator Brandy Swain
1585 Kansas Ave., San Luis Obispo, CA., 93405


About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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