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School district seeks input on Local Control Accountability Plan 

Paso Robles Public Schools is seeking public input regarding the Local Control Accountability Plan or LCAP. The public is invited to review the information and participate in a community survey. The survey information will then be compiled and used in the preparation of the LCAP. The draft LCAP will then be placed on public display for additional comment, and then brought before the board of trustees for final approval before June 30, 2015.

Public Schools

The surveys and explanatory slideshow are available at There is a direct link to the information on the main page. The survey period closes on March 27.

The LCAP is the action plan associated with the Local Control Funding Formula, or LCFF, enacted by the state legislature in July 2013. The LCFF fundamentally changed the way in which school districts were funded. Through the LCFF process, data is gathered throughout the year to evaluate the effectiveness of current programs and processes.

During February and March, groups throughout the school district and community are briefed on the process and asked to submit input on how they perceive the progress of the school district and any additional comments or changes they would like to see. This information is gathered and combined with the other data accumulated throughout the year, and a budget plan – the LCAP – is developed.

The LCAP addresses eight priority areas:

  • Basic Services
  • Implementation of Common Core Standards
  • Course Access
  • Pupil Achievement and Other Pupil Outcomes
  • School Climate
  • Pupil Engagement
  • and Parent Involvement


These areas are then focused through the prism of our district’s Guiding Principles to arrive at a blueprint for the desired programs and goals of the coming year. With input from stakeholder surveys, all of this information is compiled into a draft plan, which is then made available for additional comments.

Once again, the draft LCAP is reviewed with consideration towards the received comments, and a final copy is made available for final public comment and through a public hearing. Final adjustments are made, and the final LCAP is then taken for approval to the board of trustees by June 30, 2015.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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