Santa Barbara County Republican Party endorses Katcho for congress
–The Santa Barbara County Republican Party has endorsed Katcho Achadjian in the race for the 24th Congressional District.
Committee voters recently considered presentations from each of the three Republican candidates and Katcho earned the super majority vote from more than two-thirds of the members to secure the endorsement.
“Katcho has more experience in business, community involvement, and public service than any other candidate of any party in the race for the 24th Congressional District,” said Santa Barbara County Republican Party Chairman Dale Francisco.
Achadjian has served as California State Assembly Member since 2010. Previously, he served as San Luis Obispo County Supervisor for 12 years.
Achadjian is running for the 24th Congressional District which encompasses Santa Barbara County, San Luis Obispo County, and part of Ventura County. Also running for the seat: Republican Justin Fareed, Democrat Santa Barbara Mayor Helene Schneider, Democrat Salud Carbajal, and Democrat William Ostrander.