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Salvation Army hosts grand opening of new local office 

-By Teresa Turner

Left to Right: Mayor Tom O'Malley, Major Ian Robinson, Joe Modica Jr., Vicky Terhune, Beth Quaintance. Sharon West cut the ribbon. Photo by Teresa Turner.

Front row, left to right: Mayor Tom O’Malley, Major Ian Robinson, Joe Modica Jr., Vicky Terhune, and Beth Quaintance. Sharon West cut the ribbon. Photo by Teresa Turner.

– The Salvation Army has opened up a new location in Atascadero. The new office, located at 8420 El Camino Real, had a grand opening ceremony on Tuesday. The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce performed the ribbon cutting, and Salvation Army officers and Atascadero Mayor Tom O’Malley gave speeches.

The committee members and volunteers said that they were very happy to have an office that they could call their own. Atascadero Salvation Army has been in the area for 20 years and shared space with Loaves & Fishes for 15 years. With the larger space, they can continue to provide services to the community, including a summer camp for kids, utility assistance, emergency disaster and other assistance.

Beth Quaintance, Service Extension Representative for the San Luis Obispo County welcomed all the guest giving them a tour of the office and providing food. Eventually at the Atascadero office, they will be providing canned goods.

Service Extension Representative Sharon West said that the new office is looking for more volunteers and bell ringers. Volunteers are needed for the office and bell ringers are needed for the holidays Nov. 23 through Dec. 24.

Father Matt Conrad, Cristina Sirotta, Natalie Burton, Art Salazar, Vicky Terhune, Mark Rehfield and Patrick Lynch with Sharon West as the Program Coordinator.

Atascadero Salvation Army Committee Members Father Matt Conrad, Cristina Sirotta, Natalie Burton, Art Salazar, Vicky Terhune, Mark Rehfield and Patrick Lynch with Program Coordinator Sharon West.


Besides standard donations of cash and checks, they are other charitable opportunities as well. They also accept: Mutual funds, bonds, and stock securities, and Delta and United Airline miles.They also have estate and gift advisors for wills and gift annuities. All donations are 100-percent deductible.

The Salvation Army started in London in 1852. William Booth embarked on a career of preaching to the poor, homeless, hungry and destitute. In 1865, he set up a tent at a Quaker’s graveyard in the East End of London to convert thieves, prostitutes, gamblers, and drunkards to his beliefs provided them with, “hope and salvation.”

The name Salvation Army came about in 1878, and by 1885, he had converted 250,000. The Salvation Army is nationwide and has reached out internationally with assisting in emergency disasters.

Stop by the new location at 8420 El Camino, Suite “G” in Atascadero to volunteer or for assistance. Contact them at (805) 466-7201.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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