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Ride public transit fare-free during Rideshare Week in October 

Ride public transit fare-free during Rideshare Week in October

Rideshare Week offers ‘No Fare, Anywhere’ from Oct. 7 through 11

– SLO Regional Rideshare invites all county residents and visitors to ride public transit fare-free during Rideshare Week from Oct. 7 to 11. The initiative, titled “No Fare, Anywhere,” allows participants to explore various public transit options without needing a bus pass.

SLO Rideshare, a division of the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG), partnered with the SLO Regional Transit Authority (RTA), City of SLO Transit, and City of Morro Bay Transit to provide free bus rides on fixed routes throughout the county.

“This opportunity for residents to explore transit brings Rideshare Week to the next level,” said SLOCOG Executive Director Pete Rodgers. “Whether you’re an avid bus rider or considering a new way to commute, get out and see what our county’s public transit system has to offer!”

“I am excited to welcome people who have not tried riding the bus before,” Geoff Straw, executive director of the RTA said, “And if you’re new to transit, the RTA offers personalized trip planning; we’re happy to help you find the route you need,” Straw said. To get assistance, email the RTA at [email protected].

Rideshare Week aims to encourage commuters to use alternative forms of transportation. More than 75% of commuters currently drive alone, contributing to road congestion, air pollution, and health concerns. Public transit can help alleviate these issues, alongside options such as carpooling, vanpooling, walking, and biking.

“SLO Transit is excited to participate in Rideshare Week by offering fare-free transit to all riders. We hope residents will see the benefits and continue riding the bus after the week is over,” said Business Manager for the City of SLO’s Mobility Services Division Alex Fuchs. Additionally, downtown employees can apply for the SLO Transit Downtown Access Pass, which provides a free year-long bus pass.

Commuters can track and log their alternative commutes during Rideshare Week for a chance to win prizes, including a daily drawing for $200. Trip logging will take place at, with more information available on

Rideshare Week coincides with International Walk to School Day on Oct. 9. The Safe Routes to School program will coordinate school participation and provide healthy snacks and stickers for students who walk or roll to school. Over 35 schools throughout the county have signed up for participation, making it one of the largest Walk to School Days in recent years. This event is sponsored by the SLO County Air Pollution Control District.

“Morro Bay Transit looks forward to participating in Rideshare Week with free-fare transit to our fixed route riders. If you’ve never used public transit, this is a great opportunity to hop on the bus and experience how easy it is to use,” said Management Analyst for the City of Morro Bay’s Public Works Department Janeen Burlingame.

Rideshare Week offers “No Fare, Anywhere” from Oct. 7 through 11. For more details about Rideshare Week and Safe Routes to School, visit Regular fares apply to all Runabout and Dial-a-Ride services.


About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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