Relay for life at Sunken Gardens May 5 & 6
Relay for life this weekend in Atascadero
—Relay for life invites cancer survivors, caregivers, family, friends, and members of the community to gain awareness, raise funds, remember & honor all affected by Cancer.
You can help them reach their goal of raising $65,000 to support the local American Cancer Society community. The opening ceremony starts at 9 a.m., including a Kiwanis free breakfast, fun themed laps, and community games. From 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. there will be a free kids area with bounce houses, Home Depot projects, silent auction, relay swag for purchase, and live music, “Three Drink Minimum” at 5:30 p.m.
The Paso Elks Lodge free BBQ dinner for registered relayers, luminaria ceremony at 8 p.m., and late night glow in the dark Zumba followed by a double feature and an extra large movie screen. For more information,