Registration now open for new basketball conditioning program
–The City of Atascadero Recreation is offering a new basketball conditioning program for local youth from first through eighth grade!
This program will include basketball skills and training, individual skill development, conditioning, and fun! Coaches will be assigned to one player group (POD), and each player will work with their own basketball (included with registration) on drills and skills.
It’s a great way to get your athlete out of the house, away from screens, and active with friends. This program is for all skill levels and will encourage fitness and fun! There will be NO games or scrimmages. Each POD will have 2 practices each week with the same coach and same group. Volunteer coaches are needed!
The program will run Dec. 7, 2020 through Jan. 14, 2021 taking the week of Dec. 21 off. Groups will be given a Monday/Wednesday or a Tuesday/Thursday practice schedule. This program is compliant with current local and state guidelines established for youth sports. There will be no shared equipment. In addition, physical distancing of at least 6 feet and a stable group/pod of no more than 10 participants will be required. Register now as space is limited!
The fee is $75 per player (non-resident add $7.50) and includes a personal basketball. Registration can be done online at or via email with the downloaded form to
For more information or to schedule a registration appointment please call (805) 470-3360. Scholarships are available to qualifying families.