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Q&A with Atascadero School Board Candidate Ray Buban 

Editor’s note: This is the fifth in a series of Q&A’s for all candidates running for Atascadero School Board 


Q&A with Atascadero School Board Candidate Ray Buban

What motivates you to become a school board member?
To continue the progress that is happening in the Atascadero School District, which is second to none. The excitement I get just thinking about Atascadero Unified and what “greyt” things are being accomplished not only in the classroom and athletic fields but also nationally (Monterey Road Elementary) and internationally (Atascadero High School).

What attributes are essential for successful school board members?
The ability to listen and learn to communicate with each other, the community and staff. School districts are their own self-sustained world that is influenced greatly by outside forces ie: Federal and state governments. Remembering that the students always come first.

What is your vision for education in the community?
My vision is for our students to be successful and happy in life. The education they receive from the Atascadero Unified School District is one of the main contributing factors to that happy successful life.

How does the school board decide what is important?
From the information, we receive from students, the public, staff, board meetings, workshops, and legislation. This information is investigated and discussed before making a decision.

What is your education background?
I have a degree in accounting and I am licensed and recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as an income tax expert as an Enrolled Agent. I am a Registered Representative also a Certified Fiduciary. I have received certification from the California School Board Association in Masters in Governance and completed School Funding Boot Camp from California Association of School Business Officials.

Do you represent the school system or the community?
The students …. then the community

What have you accomplished in regards to school-related situations that make you a good candidate?
As a board member, your accomplishments in the district are the result of the administration and the staff. As ab member, I am committed to the vision and direction of our district which I know is the best around. Because we are Atascadero.

Can you comment on recent disciplinary issues within the school district, and how would you resolve them?

What are some of the issues facing the Atascadero School District?
Funding, which is always manipulated and underfunded by the State of California and the federal government. The expansion of educational opportunities for all our students in STEM and CTE. Our students to be college or career ready and the ability of the district to maintain our leadership and excellence in the education of our students.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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