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Q&A with Atascadero City Council Candidate Mark Dariz 

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of Q&A’s for all candidates running for Atascadero City Council. 


Q&A with Atascadero City Council Candidate Mark Dariz

Where are you from, what is your background?
I am a California native raised in the northern part of the valley. I have lived on the Central Coast since 1991 and moved to Atascadero in 2003. I am a California licensed architect.

Why are you running for city council?
I have been on the Planning Commission for 8 years and have enjoyed being a part of the positive direction the city is going. I would like to continue my role in serving this community. I am running because I believe my background and experience in Atascadero’s city government will have a positive impact and add a valuable perspective to the council.

How would you describe the job description of a City Council member?
I believe it is important to have an open and transparent line of communication with the community. The council should ensure fiscally responsible spending, strive for economic development, work with our local businesses as if they are our partners and generally work to improve the experience of its town.

What do you want to change?
I would like to see our residents and people from our neighboring towns shopping and dining more in Atascadero.

Can you comment on your ideas to solve any of these issues: Homelessness, affordable housing, water conservation, etc?
Homelessness is a difficult epidemic to solve. I think it is important to listen to the police department and the experts on how best to address the problems it adds to the city. I believe programs are needed to help those with mental and substance abuse issues. The programs and facilities necessary to achieve success will cost a lot of money. I believe the solution will require heavy involvement from Sacramento and Washington. Atascadero has exceeded the expectations of the state-mandated affordable housing and still works to implement additional affordable house as new developments arise. Our council and city staff have worked closely with Atascadero Mutual Water Company to encourage our residents to conserve water. I believe our efforts have exceeded state requirements and we continue with that goal.

How do you plan to involve residents in the decision-making process in our city?
The city has invited our residents to workshops for many of our large projects. I think it is important to get feedback from our stakeholders in shaping this city.

How do you represent the whole community?
I am open minded and what to hear from all sides before making important, impactful decisions.

If elected what 3 steps would you take to put our city on a firmer financial footing?
Listen to our current local business owners to learn what we can do to improve the business and consumer experience in our town.

What are the most important issues to you facing Atascadero?
Revenue! We have the smallest budget of all cities in SLO county. We also have more miles of roads to maintain than any other city in our county. As a bedroom community, we need to improve our shopping and dining experience…this will bring jobs and keep our residents here.

What have you learned from the past experiences in your life that you will us Professionally?
I know what smart development means. My experience on the planning commission has shown me what works for this city and what this city needs. Personally, my experience with my local Kiwanis Club has taught me the value in community service and volunteer work. If you want to make a positive change, you have to get involved.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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