Proposed cannabis grow on tonight’s TAGG agenda
New TAAG team assembles for coming year
–The Templeton Area Advisory Group (TAAG) has reorganized following its elections last month, seating new members and electing new officers and committee chairs for 2019-2020.
New board members Jon De Morales (delegate), Rocky Spurgeon (first alternate delegate), and Marie Roth (second alternate delegate) were seated based on the results of the March elections, while incumbents Chris Cobey and Bruce Jones were re-seated as delegates based on their re-election.
The March election drew the largest number of voters in a TAAG election in more than a decade, notwithstanding steady rain during the polling hours.
Delegate Larry Stone’s resignation became effective at the close of the March meeting. By operation of TAAG’s bylaws, Mr. Spurgeon advanced to delegate status, and Ms. Roth became the first alternate delegate.
By acclamation, Chris Cobey will chair TAAG for the coming year, with Larry Fluer as vice chair, and Murray Powell will serve again as treasurer. Members of the board will serve as acting secretary on a rotational basis until a delegate is elected to that position.
Committee chairs will be Jones (Project Review Committee), Fluer (Cannabis Project Review Committee), Joel Woodruff (Traffic Committee), Cobey (Elections Committee), De Morales (Toad Creek Committee), Powell (Bylaws Committee), and Spurgeon (Community Outreach).
At this Thursday’s regular 7 p.m. monthly meeting, the TAAG board will, among other agenda items, review the status of the previously-submitted application of CB Farms for a cannabis grow and associated operations on South El Pomar Road. The meeting will be held at its usual location: the Templeton Community Service District board room, located at 420 Crocker Street (to the right/east of the fire station on Fifth Street) in Templeton. The agenda and associated reports can be found on the TAAG website (
Due to Delegate Stone’s resignation, a vacancy exists on the TAAG board for the second alternate position. Persons interested in seeking appointment to that position should review the announcement on the home page of the TAAG website and follow the instructions there.
TAAG solicits community input on proposed development in Templeton, Adelaida, and El Pomar-Estrella sub areas and provides recommendations to county officials on land use plans and ordinances. TAAG uses established county standards, the Templeton Community Plan, and the Templeton Community Design Plan as guidelines for its recommendations. After a public review, TAAG reports its recommendations to County Planning staff, the County Planning Commission, or the Board of Supervisors. TAAG is not a policy-making body, and cannot approve or reject proposed projects. TAAG’s district is the same as that of the Templeton Unified School District — about 58 square miles.