PG&E conducting helicopter patrols today in SLO County
Safety team aboard helicopters will depart from Paso Robles airport
– On June 18, as part of a drill, PG&E will be conducting helicopter patrols of power lines in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties. A safety team aboard helicopters will depart from Paso Robles Municipal Airport and Santa Ynez Airport, and patrol portions of overhead electric equipment between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.
The aerial patrols are part of a company-wide Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) preparedness exercise. During an actual PSPS event, power is turned off during severe weather to help prevent wildfires. Crews will inspect de-energized lines utilizing aircraft, vehicles, and foot patrols to identify and repair damage before restoring power. No power shutoffs are anticipated as part of this exercise. PG&E’s emergency response organization is conducting the readiness drill to help be better prepared for actual events.
As part of the exercise, PG&E crews are patrolling circuits that could be affected if PSPS events become necessary this summer and fall. The patrols will be conducted by crews on the ground and in helicopters.
Given the continued and growing threat of extreme weather and wildfires, PG&E says it is expanding and enhancing its Community Wildfire Safety Program to further reduce wildfire risks and help keep its customers and the communities it serves safe.