Pet peace of mind hospice program seeks volunteers
–Hospice of San Luis Obispo County (Hospice SLO County) is offering an opportunity for community members to attend a training program to become Pet Peace of Mind volunteers. The training will equip participants to provide assistance to keep humans and their beloved pets together through the end of life. This training will take place on Thursday, March 22 and Friday, March 23 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. in San Luis Obispo.
Hospice SLO County recognizes the importance of the human-animal bond, especially when individuals are facing a life-limiting or life-threatening illness. Pet Peace of Mind (PPoM) allows clients to complete their end-of-life journey with the comfort and companionship of their pet. This program assures the continued support of the animal, as well as a safe and loving home when their companion can no longer be with them.
As a Pet Peace of Mind volunteer, participants will provide practical support, such as exercise, feeding, grooming, and transportation. Volunteers may also have the opportunity to assist with fostering and adoptive services depending on need. Volunteers provide 1-4 hours of service per week.
In this training, participants will learn about elder pet needs; basic hygiene and animal grooming; safe pet handling and transporting; hospice care; anticipatory grief and bereavement; and supporting a pet through a difficult time in their lives.
Preregistration is required. Training is free to attend.
The Pet Peace of Mind volunteer training session will take place: Thursday, March 22 & Friday, March 23 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
For the past 40 years, Hospice SLO County has depended on the generosity and time of volunteers to provide free support services to the community. To preregister or for more information, please contact Hospice SLO County: or (805) 544-2266
Since 1977, Hospice of San Luis Obispo County, a local, 501(c) 3 non-profit, volunteer, non-medical hospice, has been providing county-wide in-home respite care, emotional support, practical assistance, and comfort to individuals who are experiencing the impact of a life-limiting illness. The organization also offers grief counseling services, including individual, family and group counseling, to anyone grieving the death of a loved one. All Hospice SLO County services are provided at no charge and are supported through direct donations and fundraising events.