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Pavement rehabilitation project begins Tuesday 

pavement rehabilitation projectDuring pavement rehabilitation it is expected that traffic will be restricted to one lane

– The City of Atascadero has announced that construction is scheduled to begin for the 2022 F-14 Pavement Rehabilitation Project on Tuesday. Project improvements consist of pavement rehabilitation for a total of 3.3 miles of roadway, including Ardilla Road between Balboa Road and the northern end, Balboa Road between Santa Ana Road and San Fernando Road, Cebada Road between Santa Ana Road and the southern end, Cenegal Road between Laurel Road and the previous western terminus, and Corriente Road between San Fernando Road and Santa Ana Road.

Additional improvements include upgrading existing storm drain pipes and other minor drainage improvements. These improvements are funded through the F-14 Sales Tax Measure, which was passed by the community in 2014.

The contractor, Souza Construction, will begin potholing for utilities and replacing storm drain culverts beginning July 5. Following completion of those items, the contractor will be working on milling the existing roadways, grading where needed, and constructing the new roadway section. Upon completion of roadway repairs, utilities will be raised to the grade of the road and the road will be restriped. The project will take approximately five months to complete, however, the majority of work for each individual roadway will be completed within 2-4 weeks.

Message boards will be placed at a visible location near the primary access to each roadway and will be kept updated with pertinent information regarding the schedule. During pavement rehabilitation, it is expected that traffic will be restricted to one lane with the contractor providing traffic control and flagging. Motorists are encouraged to pay close attention to the traffic signage and plan for extra time if travel through the area is necessary. Please drive carefully through the work zones and be considerate of both other drivers and workers. Large trucks, trailers, and recreational vehicles should use alternative routes where possible.

For more information or questions, contact Atascadero Public Works at (805) 470-3456 or [email protected].

For street project information, please click on the following link:


About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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