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Paso Robles man rescued after spending 12 hours in car wreck 

man seriously injured after ravine crash

Man now in intensive care with serious injuries

–Stephen Bradley, 69, was rescued after being found by Paso Robles resident Steve Banta on Saturday morning after swerving for a deer, hitting a power pole and rolling into a ravine late Friday night.

Bradley, who was trapped in his wrecked vehicle for more than 12 hours, is in a serious condition in the intensive care unit at Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center with broken ribs, a collapsed lung, a cracked sternum and a cut head, according to California Highway Patrol.

Former PG&E worker Banta was reportedly driving along Nacimiento Lake Drive when he noticed a minor problem with one of the power poles. He got out of his car to inspect the pole and that’s when he saw the wrecked car, 200 feet below in the ravine with Bradley seriously injured across the front seat.

Banta’s wife called 911 while he comforted the injured man assisting emergency services when they arrived to get him out of the ravine.

Bradley told officers he had been there since 10 p.m. Friday night after narrowly missing a deer, colliding with a power poll, rolling over a wired fence, and flipping several times. The accident is under investigation however neither drugs nor alcohol are suspected to have been a factor, reports say.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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