Operation Santa Claus toy drive seeks donations
Toys go to kids under the care of child welfare services
– Cal Fire and the San Luis Obispo County Firefighters Benevolent Association, in cooperation with KSBY’s Season of Hope, is holding its 26th annual Operation Santa Claus toy drive. This charity drive provides toys to kids who are under the care and protection of SLO County’s Child Welfare Services. Operation Santa Claus is a non-profit volunteer program that has helped over 6,100 children throughout San Luis Obispo County since 1990.
The drive begins Nov. 27, and continues through Dec. 18. Residents and local businesses are encouraged to contribute toys, gifts or funds. The funds will be used to purchase needed items. Donations can be dropped off at any Cal Fire or San Luis Obispo County fire station or the Morro Bay Fire Department.
Firefighters request the gifts be new and unwrapped for proper identification and distribution. The public is urged to make donations as soon as possible to assist volunteers with distribution before Christmas.
Questions regarding the program will be answered by contacting Pat Hibbard, Event Chairperson, at (805) 215-8023. Check www.calfireslo.org for information as well as drop off locations.