Official groundbreaking held for El Camino Real, San Anselmo rehabilitation

Council Member Heather Moreno, Mayor Tom O’Malley, and Council Member Charles Bourbeau
–The City of Atascadero has announced the start of the road rehabilitation project for El Camino Real and San Anselmo Avenue. Atascadero City Council awarded the project to Ferravanti Grading and Pavement at the June 26, 2018 Council Meeting. The work primarily consists of pavement rehabilitation, including minor drainage and ADA improvement on El Camino Real from San Anselmo Road to San Benito Road, and on San Anselmo Avenue from El Camino Real to Del Rio Road.
Minor work will begin this week involving pavement coring, removing concrete sidewalk ramps, and other preparation activities. Utility relocation is scheduled to occur in early September, followed by concrete sidewalk and ramp construction. Major pavement rehabilitation work will begin in mid to late September 2018 and will last through October 2018. The city is not anticipating any road closures with the project but traffic delays should be expected. All businesses will remain open during construction and business access will be maintained throughout the project.

El Camino Real from San Anselmo Road north to San Benito Road and on San Anselmo Road from El Camino Real, east to Del Rio Road.
This project is funded partially by the recent statewide gas tax measure, Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. Statewide, SB 1 is expected to generate more than $5 billion annually for road repairs, to ease traffic congestion, to fill potholes, make seismic safety improvements to bridges and overpasses, and repair local streets and freeways. Funding in SB 1 is split equally between state and local governments. SB 1 also includes accountability provisions and constitutional protections, such as the creation of the Office of Inspector General, to ensure the funding is spent wisely and on transportation projects only. The City of Atascadero is receiving approximately $650,000 from SB 1 annually for local roadway repairs and rehabilitation.