Nine youth basketball scholarships funded by donation

Back row (left to right): Templeton CSD Board of Directors President Navid Fardanesh, Recreation Supervisor Templeton CSD Mel Johnson, Templeton REC Foundation Director Jordan Traub, Templeton REC Foundation President Geoff English.
Templeton Recreation Foundation donates $900 to support youth sports
– The Templeton Recreation Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to enhancing recreational opportunities for the Templeton community, has announced a donation of $900 to the Templeton Recreation Department. This donation will fund nine youth basketball scholarships for children participating in the Templeton Youth Basketball League.
“We are indebted to the Templeton Recreation Foundation and their generosity.” said Recreation Supervisor Mel Johnson, a spokesperson for the Templeton Recreation Department. “The funding of scholarships at a total of $900 means nine Templeton children were able to participate in the Templeton Youth Basketball League who otherwise would be unable to play. Participation in a youth basketball league not only promotes physical fitness and skill development but also fosters teamwork, discipline, and a sense of camaraderie among children. Through the challenges and victories on the court, young players learn valuable life skills that contribute to their overall personal and social growth. So, you can see that the donation of these scholarships is imperative to the development of happy and healthy children in our community. Thank you TRF!”
The Templeton Recreation Foundation encourages community members to support their ongoing initiatives by making tax-deductible donations. Individuals can contribute by mailing checks made payable to “Templeton Recreation Foundation” to P.O. Box 1423, Templeton, CA 93456. All donors will receive a thank-you letter along with the Foundation’s Tax ID number.
For more information about the Templeton Recreation Foundation, visit or contact President Geoff English at (805) 610-0191.