Mother’s Day dinners sold at the Atascadero Printery
–On Sunday, the Atascadero Printery Foundation sold Lasagna Dinners for Mother’s Day. Three board members set up a booth outside the printery a couple of blocks from the Rotunda.
Karen McNamara, Gina Cirocco and Greg Ravatt sold the $40 dinners-for-four at a booth outside the fence guarding the old brick building in downtown Atascadero. Proceeds will go to the effort to restore the 100-year-old building.
The board members sold about 50 dinners. The lasagna was made by some of the board members. Grocery Outlet donated salad. Brian’s Bread donated bread for the dinners.
A neighbor with a tractor filled in some holes near the printery building in exchange for a lasagna dinner for his family. The holes were left after tree stumps were removed near the building. A structural engineer used the holes to assess the condition of the foundation prior to their being filled Sunday afternoon.