Morro Coast Audubon Society hosting virtual community program on birding

Alvaro Jaramillo: Birding expert
Birding expert Alvaro Jaramillo will present the seminar
–Morro Coast Audubon Society will be hosting a virtual Zoom seminar on birding next month on Sept. 20 from 7-8:30 p.m. presented by an expert in the field, Alvaro Jaramillo. Anyone interested is invited to join the virtual community program for free with no reservations required, if they’re interested in learning more about birding.
Birding is a classic hobby of watching birds in their natural habitats, whether via binocular or just regular sight. It can be done anywhere there are birds, whether casually or seriously. The hobby enhances other outdoor activities and can improve mundane situations like outdoor chores.
Alvaro Jaramillo is the owner of a birding tour company called Alvaro’s Adventures and was trained in ecology and evolution with a focus on bird behavior. He is the author of “Birds of Chile“, which is an authoritative yet portable field guide to Chile’s birds. He also writes the “Identify Yourself” column in Bird Watcher’s Digest magazine, recently wrote part of the chapter on sparrows for the “Handbook of Birds of the World” and contributed to the American Birding Association’s “Field Guide to Birds of California“. Jaramillo has also been recently granted the Eisenmann Medal by the Linnaean Society of New York for excellence in ornithology.
Morro Coast Audubon Society’s mission is “To promote the appreciation, conservation, and restoration of ecosystems, focusing on the biological diversity of birds, other wildlife, and their habitats, particularly in San Luis Obispo County, California.”
The society is part of both a state and national non-profit network: California Audubon and the National Audubon Society, which was founded in 1905. The society is dedicated to conservation, research, education, expansion and diversity.
The Zoom meeting can be accessed via this link or by inputting the meeting ID 850 0306 3314. The passcode is MorroCoast. For more information, email [email protected]