Moose Lodge gives Atascadero police ‘cop-in-a-box’

Members of Atascadero Moose Lodge, Paso Robles Moose Lodge, Moose Riders from the Monterey Lodge and Bikers Against Child Abusers Atascadero Chapter present a donation of $2,200 worth of equipment and software to Atascadero Police Jerel Haley, third from left, on Sept. 3.
Safe Surfin’ helps keep children safe from predators online
–The Atascadero Moose Lodge, along with the Paso Robles Moose Lodge and the Moose Riders Motorcycle group, is helping the Atascadero Police Department keep children safe from online predators with its recent donation of “Cop-in-a-Box,” which offers law enforcement a cost-effective way of protecting children.
Cop-in-a-Box provides computer gear to help police combat child predators. The donation to Atascadero police include an IBM Thinkpad set up with software that ties the department to the Bedford, Va., Sheriff’s Department’s child predator database, a large Sony color laser printer and a 27-inch monitor. Safe Surfin’ Foundation is a nonprofit organization that partnered with Moose International to create software to keep children safe on the Internet. The Cop-in-a-Box initiative’s goal is to balance the ratio of Internet crime investigators with Internet predators.
“It also comes with training on how to use the system from the Sheriff’s office,” Atascadero Moose Lodge President James Stone said.
A fundraiser was held at the Paso Robles Moose Lodge with the band Madstone donating the time to perform live. The entire event was run by volunteers. The event included a raffle, food and a casino night with Black Jack and Texas Hold ‘Em. The three groups were able to raise the money needed to purchase the equipment and software.
“The Moose started this a long time ago and it’s one of our core projects – to help our community called ‘Heart of the Community.'” Stone said. “The sister organization with the Moose is called Safe Surfin’. Eric Estrada of CHiPs’ fame got involved and now Safe Surfin’ has expanded into these Cop-in-a-Box kits, Child ID kits and armor for [police departments].”
Stone said the groups made the donation of Cop-in-a-box to the Atascadero Police Department so far because the Paso Robles Police Department isn’t quite ready for a system.
“Atascadero [Police Department] was actually looking for new equipment when I called them. It was perfect timing,” Stone said. “… We haven’t procured the Child Id kits yet, that’s on the radar as well as providing Paso [Police Department] when they are ready. Hopefully, the surrounding communities will help us raise those funds and have fun doing it at these events.”
The child ID kit put all needed information on USB chips, which are given to parents for safekeeping in the event that should something happen to their children.
The high-tech equipment was presented to Atascadero Police Chief Jerel Haley and Sgt. Jason Carr on Sept. 3.
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