Parkhill Fire in Santa Margarita is now 80-percent contained

This logistics area at the Parkhill Fire is providing support for 700 firefighters. Photo from Cal Fire.
Update June 22, 2015 at 4:40 p.m.:
The 1800-acre Parkhill Fire in Santa Margarita is now 80-percent contained, Cal Fire reports. Only residents are permitted in the fire area. San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Deputies and California Highway Patrol will continue to patrol the area and firefighters will remain at the fire until full containment and control. Residents must remain vigilant and be prepared to be evacuated again if the situation changes, according to Cal Fire.
Damage assessment has been completed. The following was destroyed: Two homes, four mobile homes, two RVs used as primary residences, 10 outbuildings and seven vehicles, including one boat and trailer. PG&E continues to repair burned poles and lines.
Due to drought conditions effecting water sources, only reliable pre-identified water sources have been used by firefighting equipment. Due to the system being in a critical state, firefighters were instructed, unless an immediate need, not to use water from the town of Santa Margarita. Most water has come from a private landowner on O’Donovan Road, Atascadero Mutual Water and from Santa Margarita Lake where helicopters have been dipping.
Current cost estimate for the fire is 2.7 million. The cause of the fire is carbon buildup from an unknown vehicle exhaust system. One civilian was injured.
Chief Crawford, Incident Commander stated, “Today the firefighters made significant progress in building line and mopping-up the fire. We will be demobilizing many resources tomorrow, making them available for other fires.”
Update June 22, 2015 at noon:
– At 10 a.m. today the Parkhill Fire near Santa Margarita is 1800 acres and is now 60-percent contained, Cal Fire reports. Assessments show two homes have been destroyed and several outbuildings. Continued assessment will be conducted over the next few days with a Damage Assessment Team. PG&E has repaired burned power poles and lines. Power has been restored to all properties.
Fire spread has been stopped. Heavy mop-up and patrol efforts have started and will continue for the next few days.
Current cost estimate for the fire is 1.9 million. The cause of the fire is under investigation. One civilian and two responders were injured.
Update June 22, 2015 at 7 a.m.:
Evacuations lifted as firefighters gain control of fire in Santa Margarita

A tanker plane drops a load of fire retardant over the Park Hill Fire. Photo by Trisha Butcher.
– As of 5 p.m. Sunday afternoon the evacuation order for the Parkhill Fire Area was lifted by Cal Fire. Only residents are permitted in the fire area. Sheriff deputies and CHP will continue to patrol the area and firefighters will remain at the fire through the night and for several more days ensuring full containment and control of the fire.
The Parkhill fire is 1800 acres and is now 50-percent contained, Cal Fire reports. Preliminary assessments show two homes have been destroyed and several outbuildings. Further assessment will be conducted today. A reported 45 fire engines, six helicopters and tankers, and six dozers are assigned to the fire. A total of 20 fire crews are on hand, according to reports.
PG&E has repaired burned power poles and lines. Power has been restored to 106 of a 109 properties.
Current cost estimate for the fire is 1.7 million. The cause of the fire is under investigation. One civilian was injured.
Cal Fire warns residents to remain vigilant and be prepared to be evacuated again if the situation changes. During the evacuation, Sheriff Deputies evacuated 72 properties. Some residents refused to leave. During the fire Horse Emergency Evacuation Team (HEET) evacuated 6 large animals and many smaller ones.

Day shift firefighters are briefed on Sunday morning for the day’s plan. Photo from Cal Fire San Luis Obispo.
Original report:
Massive fire forces evacuations in Santa Margarita

Photo of the Santa Margarita fire by Trisha Butcher.
A massive fire east of the town of Santa Margarita has consumed over 800 acres, according to Cal Fire, and forced the evacuation of hundreds of local residents. Smoke from the fire could be seen filling the sky all around north San Luis Obispo County.
The evacuation order is for residents in the area of Parkhill and Las Pilitas roads, Cal Fire reports. The Red Cross is staffing an evacuation center at Santa Margarita Elementary school.
As of 7 p.m. on Saturday the fire was uncontained and could continue to spread, according to reports.
The cause of the fire is unknown. It was first reported at about 2:20 p.m. on Saturday. No injuries have been reported.
A reported 25 fire engines, six aircraft and other equipment including bulldozers and hand crews were brought in with another 15 engines heading to the area.

Photo of the Santa Margarita fire by Trisha Butcher.