Local youth invited to apply for annual scholarships awarded by Veterans of Foreign Wars
–The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) 2814 (Atascadero) is encouraging local young artists, writers, singers, and patriotic minds to apply to a variety of national contests that award as high as $30,000 to help with furthering their education.
Scholarships are open to students enrolled in public, private, parochial or a home study program in the U.S. Applicants must be a California resident and a U.S. citizen or U.S. national but do not have to be related to a VFW or VFW Auxiliary member to participate. Submissions must be made to a local VFW Post in order to be eligible for district, department or national awards.
Submission deadlines, rules and the required application vary for each contest. See the website provided below for each contest for specifics before submitting:
Patriot’s Pen Essay
Eligibility: Grades 6-8
Submission Deadline: Oct. 31, 2020
Top Award: National award of up to $5,000
Details: In 300-400 words, express your view based on the theme of “What is patriotism to me?”
Rules and Application: vfw.org/community/youth-and-education/youth-scholarships
Voice of Democracy Audio-Essay Contest
Eligibility: Grades 9-12
Submission Deadline: Oct. 31, 2020
Top Award: National Award of up to $30,000
Details: In a three- to five-minute recorded video, high school students answer this year’s essay question of, “Is this the country the Founders envisioned?”
Rules and Application: vfw.org/community/youth-and-education/youth-scholarships
Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest
Eligibility: Grades 9-12
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2021
Top Award: National award of up to $15,000
Details: Through an original 2-D or 3-D art on paper or canvas, high school students are invited to express their patriotism. Digital art, photography and jewelry are not accepted.
Rules and Application: vfwauxiliary.org/scholarships
Illustrating America
Eligibility: Grades 1-8
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2021
Top Award: National awards of up to a $100 gift card per division
Details: Through an original 2-D art on paper or canvas, elementary and middle school students are invited to express their patriotism. Coloring sheets, digital art and photography are not accepted.
Rules and Application: vfwauxiliary.org/what-we-do/youth-activities
Get Excited for the Red, White and Blue! National Anthem Singing Contest
Eligibility: Youth ages 6 to 16 at the time of local entry
Submission Deadline: March 31, 2021
Top Award: One National winner receives $1,000 Visa gift card
Details: Young people are invited to express their creativity and showcase their vocal talent using the lyrics to “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Entries are judged on vocal ability, mastery of lyrics, originality or interpretation and entertainment value.
Rules and Application: vfwauxiliary.org/what-weFor-do/youth-activities
Submissions for any of the above contests can be submitted to the VFW Auxiliary 2814 by email to [email protected] or by mail to 9555 Morro Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 Attn: Ward Roney, Scholarships/Youth Activities Program. For more information or assistance, contact Ward at (805) 953-5391 (voicemail) or [email protected].
VFW 2814 is a non-profit organization comprised of veterans of foreign wars and their families who are dedicated to serving, caring for and supporting other veterans and their families in San Luis Obispo County and beyond. Learn more at vfwpost2814.org.