Local woman speaks at Velocity Convention in Las Vegas

Lori Bradford speaks to thousands during Plexus Worldwide’s 2024 Velocity Convention held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Photo credit: Plexus Worldwide.
– Lori Bradford of Atascadero, recently shared insights from her successful health and wellness business during Plexus Worldwide’s 2024 Velocity Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Bradford, recognized for her achievements, joined a select group at the event to impart business strategies, product insights, and personal experiences to thousands of independent business owners. The convention, held June 18-20 at Caesar’s Forum, aimed to educate and motivate Plexus Brand Ambassadors through panels, workshops, and presentations, alongside networking opportunities, social events, and keynotes.
During her presentation, Bradford unveiled a new product and discussed effective business strategies.
Plexus Worldwide, LLC, a health and wellness company, hosts the annual global convention to empower individuals and help them achieve health and financial goals. For more details visit www.plexusworldwide.com.