Update: Local man sentenced for murder of infant daughter
Update posted Oct. 27

Herbert David Brown.
–Paso Robles resident Herbert David Brown III has been sentenced to 15 years to life in state prison for the murder of his 22-month old daughter, according to reports. The sentence is the minimum requirement by law. Brown has also been ordered to pay approximately $20,000 in restitution.
Brown’s daughter, Lily Sommer-Brown, was pronounced brain dead and then taken off of life support in February after sustaining several injuries, including a fractured skull and other injuries consistent with vigorous shaking.
Original story posted Sept. 25
– On Thursday, 32-year-old Paso Robles resident Herbert David Brown III, pleaded no contest to second degree murder in the death of his 22-month-old daughter Lily Sommer-Brown.
On Feb. 18, 2013, Herbert Brown called 911 to report that his daughter had stopped breathing. She was taken to Twin Cities Hospital and then to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford where she died of injuries she had received.
Lily had suffered several injuries, the most serious of which was a fractured skull consistent with striking with great force against a hard object. Other injuries sustained were consistent with vigorous shaking over a period of time.
The plea was taken before Judge Michael Duffy in Department 5 of the San Luis Obispo County Superior Court. Sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 27 in that department.
Brown will be sentenced to a mandatory term of 15 years to life in state prison.
Paso Robles Police Department led the investigation of this case and Deputy District Attorney Eric Dobroth is the assigned prosecutor.