Local dignitaries ‘Walk a Mile in Her Shoes’

Jennifer Adams of RISE encouraged Paso Robles Mayor Steve Martin and Atascadero Mayor Tom.O’Malley prior to the Walk A Mile In Her Shoes fundraiser in downtown Paso Robles Saturday.
–The Paso Robles “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes,” fundraiser walk happened on Saturday, April 16 in downtown Paso Robles. Local non-profit RISE (Which stands for: respect, inspire, support, empower) hosted the event.
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes in an international movement that encourages men to march to end rape, sexual assault and gender violence. Every year, North County men join the movement.
Jennifer Adams of RISE encouraged Paso Robles Mayor Steve Martin and Atascadero Mayor Tom.O’Malley prior to the fundraiser. “Neither Mayor turned heads or ankles,” according to Adams.
RISE is a nonprofit organization that serves both victims of intimate partner violence and sexual assault/abuse and their loved ones. It provides comprehensive programs, services and resources to the community. For more information, visit riseslo.org.