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Local city council candidates raise over $130,000 in political donations

See which local candidates have raised the most

– Political campaign financial contributions have been submitted for the upcoming local elections on Nov. 5. The San Luis Obispo County Clerk-Recorder’s office posts all candidates’ filings for public review.


In Atascadero, Charles Bourbeau is the only candidate for mayor. For the two city council seats, candidates are Mark Dariz, Seth Peek, and Tori Keen.

Atascadero Mayor

Atascadero Mayor Charles Bourbeau

  • Charles Bourbeau – $6,848. Contributors include the Committee to Elect Mark Dariz, Don Geissinger, Joel Clay, Tom O’Malley, John Hamon, Souza Construction, Ken Williams and Jerry McDaniel.


Atascadero City Council

Tori Keen

Atascadero City Council candidate Tori Keen

  • Tori Keen – $19,472. Contributors include the Atascadero Democratic Club, Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union 403 PAC, Funk for County Supervisor 2024, SLO County Democratic Party, Vy Pierce, Bettina Salter, Tracey Adams, Linda Akin, Kathleen Asdel, Heather Branton, Mariam Shah, Ellen Beraud, Bruce Gibson for Supervisor 2026, Melissa Chavez, Thomas DeCoster, and Mary Katherine Corey.
  • Seth Peek – $12,713. Contributors include PG&E Company Employee PAC, Home Builders Association of the Central Coast PAC, Lincoln Club of San Luis Obispo Co., Debbie Arnold, Dylan Linnenkamp, Vicky Morse, Suzie Anderson, Jamie Jones, Shannon Rinkenberger, Karen Peek, Charles Bourbeau, Souza Construction, Joel Clay, Scott Newton, and San Luis Marble.
  • Mark Dariz – $12,398. Contributors include Granite Ridge Engineering, Home Builders Association of the Central Coast PAC, Jerry McDaniel, Michael Zeppas, Debbie Arnold, Don Idler, Tom O’Malley, Ranelle Baldwin, Sam Blakeslee, Dennis Schmidt, H & S Hospitality LLC, Suzie Anderson, Filipponi & Thompson Drilling, Inc, and Lincoln Club of San Luis Obispo County.


Paso Robles

In Paso Robles, three districts have a city council seat open: District 1, candidates are Kris Beal, Linda George, and Sharon Roden. District 3 candidates are Jeff Carr, Michael Rivera, and Steve Gregory. District 4, Fred Strong is the only candidate.

Paso Robles City Council District 1

Paso Robles City Councilwoman Sharon Roden

Paso Robles City Councilwoman Sharon Roden.

  • Sharon Roden – $29,944. Contributors include the House Builders Association of the Central Coast PAC, We Power California-Pacific Gas and Electric Company Employees, John Hamon, Debra Gibbons, Tracey Roden, Mia Cohen, Mike Shults, Jill Heely, Setton Pistachio of Terra Bella, Sheree Davis, Pam Jardini, Jordan Cunningham, James Brescia, Steven Twisselman, Robert Bergman, Dale Gomer, and Ferris Fencing Inc.
  • Kris Beal – $11,814. Contributors include the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local #639, Christopher Harmon, Cindy Lewis, Craig Macmillan, Juanetta Perkins, Margaret L Schaefer, Matt Allison, Melissa Chavez, Shatter PAC, Steve Peck, and Elena Garcia.
  • Linda George – $1,361. Contributors include John Roush, Sarah Barnes, Mike Hruby, Michael Goldstein, Gary Lehrer, Beverly Ramos, Pauline Farias, and Janice Awalt.


Paso Robles City Council District 3:

City Councilman Steve Gregory

Paso Robles City Councilman Steve Gregory

  • Steve Gregory – $37,115. Contributors include Treana Winery LLC, Home Builders Association of the Central Coast PAC, San Paso Truck Stop, Krmonthomery Inc, Lars Jorgensen, Isiah Gomer, Paso Robles Plastering Inc, Richard Willhoit, Wesley Willhoit, Brett Butterfield, Mark Dart, Wade Taylor, Dave Spurr Excavating Inc, Rob Miller, Jeffrey Buckingham, Ian Hoover, Robert Phillips Construction, Investment Pros LLC, and JG King.
  • Michael Rivera – $6,444. Contributors include John Roush, Ron Cuff, and Lance Gannon.
  • Jeff Carr – None.


Paso Robles City Council District 4:

  • Fred Strong – None.
Paso Robles City Council Districts

Paso Robles City Council districts.


About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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