Local church hosting sleeping bag drive this holiday season

Street Vision 805, visits northern SLO County unhoused communities every Tuesday and Saturday to share breakfast burritos and to connect those in need with recovery groups and other support groups.
Church partners with a local non-profit called Street Vision 805
– Maverick Church, a new church located in northern Paso Robles, is collecting sleeping bags to gift to neighbors in need this Christmas. The church has partnered with a local non-profit called Street Vision 805.
Street Vision 805, led by Scott Lipscomb, visits northern SLO County unhoused communities every Tuesday and Saturday to share breakfast burritos and to connect those in need with recovery groups and other support groups.
“In this season, it’s especially important to consider those around us,” said Maverick Church pastor Ben Kosharek. “We have been talking about spending less this Christmas season, so we can give more of the things that truly matter. This allows us to love all with the resources we set aside.”
Anyone wishing to donate sleeping bags may do so at the regularly scheduled 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, Dec. 17. Email info@maverickchurch.org to make other drop-off arrangements.