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Letters: Controversy surrounds supervisors’ race 

letter to the editor

– The following letters were sent to the A-Town Daily News this week regarding the controversy surrounding the local race for county supervisor:

From Cal Fire: Setting the Record Straight

CAL FIRE Local 2881 is Proud to Endorse Jimmy Paulding and Dawn Ortiz-Legg for SLO County Board of Supervisors

San Luis Obispo County: The San Luis Obispo Chapter of CAL FIRE Local 2881 has been informed that there is a misunderstanding as to whom we are endorsing for the Board of Supervisors in the June 7 election.

While we are disappointed that such misinformation has been shared, we prefer to move on. However, we also want to make it absolutely clear that we are in full support of two candidates; Jimmy Paulding (District 4) and incumbent Dawn Ortiz-Legg (District 3) for SLO County Board of Supervisors.

Both Paulding and Ortiz-Legg have a deep understanding of public safety, plan wisely for the inevitable fire disasters in the future, and are dedicated to the preservation and protection of our communities. They are individuals we are proud to have represent us.

Please join your CAL FIRE local firefighters in voting Jimmy Paulding and Dawn Ortiz-Legg for SLO County Supervisors this June.

CAL FIRE Local 2881 is a member of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and the largest member of the California Professional Firefighters (CPF).


Letter: Bruce Jones flyer seems to be false

To the editor, 

Earlier this week, a candidate named Dr. Bruce Jones sent a flyer purporting to be supported by local law enforcement. It seems that this is totally and 100% false. Dr. Jones used a photo of himself with the police chief without the police chief’s permission. He is not endorsed by any local police organization.

Geoff Auslen is the only North County supervisor candidate endorsed by local first responders. Geoff is supported and officially endorsed by the Atascadero Police Association and the Atascadero Firefighters Association.

Dr. Jones isn’t from SLO County- he just moved here from Missouri 4 years ago. He isn’t supported by cops, and it’s disingenuous and misleading for him to use a candid photo with a police officer to try and trick people. Shame on him.
On June 7, I’ll be voting for Geoff Auslen – the candidate really endorsed by first responders.

-Ray M. Buban, EA


Letter: Multiple requests made to Auslen campaign for removal of false endorsement

To the editor, 

Geoff Auslen’s recent email to constituents states his opponents are falsely claiming first responder endorsement. Let’s talk about the real facts and expose the truth. Spreading misleading information reveals so much about one’s character and integrity.

A campaign postcard from candidate Bruce Jones featured a photo shaking hands with an officer at a public event. There are no words claiming endorsement. Rather the photo represents Jones’ support of police, fire, and law enforcement. Listening to a KPRL caller continue to spread Auslen’s misinformation brings to mind another recent situation demonstrating factual distortion, and disrespect of constituents by the Auslen campaign.

I made multiple written requests to remove/correct a deceptive post on the Auslen for Supervisor Facebook page where a photo of me was posted along with words implying that I, representing RPSLO, and the organization where I was speaking were endorsing Auslen. This is absolutely false!

Multiple requests for correction to Auslen’s campaign manager and campaign website were ignored. Furthermore, my request for correction posted on the campaign’s Facebook page was deleted!

It took making a public request, via microphone, in a meeting where Auslen and his campaign manager were present to get action, after which they refused to speak with me. Later that evening the photo and misleading wording were both removed from the Facebook page.
I have never received a written or verbal apology from Auslen or his campaign manager. We need to elect a supervisor that will listen, respond, and act on our behalf!


-Linda Becker
Paso Robles


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