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Letter: Will candidate sell out to special interests? 

To the editor, 

It’s amazing how quickly your tune changes when you are desperate to win.

Ellen Beraud loves to cast herself as a little guy fighting the establishment. But don’t buy her boasting about running a grassroots campaign, she is merely selling Astroturf.

Recently, Beraud announced that a D.C.-funded outfit, using Bay Area and East Coast liberal activists, would be sending handwritten postcards in the mail. This would be an attempt to trick SLO County voters into thinking that she had actual support here. You may have already received one of these postcards.

You might even be old enough to remember when Ellen Beraud swore off “dirty PAC money,” to use her own words. It was just a week ago.
But talk is cheap – Beraud took $17,500 in cold, hard cash from Sacramento-based PACs in the last two months.

All that PAC money begs two questions: First, why is Sacramento trying to buy our election? And second, how much is Ellen Beraud willing to sell out to special interests?


Janet Hedges

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