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Letter to the editor: What’s the story behind Geoff Auslen? 

letter to the editor

To the editor,

Is San Luis Obispo County District 2 supervisor candidate Geoff Auslen a liberal, a moderate or a conservative? It all depends on his audience or what day it is. Before deciding to run for office in a primarily Republican district, Auslen was a Democrat.

Today he’s a Republican, when asked about his political views he first said he was a moderate, but wait, two days later he declared he was a conservative during his failed attempt to get the Republican Party endorsement. He lost by a landslide. The next time he spoke, he changed back to being a moderate again. You just can’t make this stuff up!

When questioned about why he considers himself a moderate and not a conservative, he said, “Because I care about the homeless,” wrongly insinuating only Democrats care about the homeless. Maybe he’s really confused because Geoff has been a Democrat MOST of his life. He switched his party affiliation purposely to run for office in a mostly conservative north county. His wife is a progressive Democrat.

Geoff’s largest single donor, Tom Jones, is a progressive Democrat.

Tom Jones, who was best friends with the late supervisor Adam Hill, donated $2,500 to Geoff’s campaign. Let’s connect the dots, shall we?

Tom is married to Jamie Jones of Kirk Consulting. She’s an expert who pushes projects through the county for rich people, like Helios Dayspring, who pled guilty to bribing Adam Hill. As a planner for the city of Atascadero, she helped Kelly Gearhart, who ripped off seniors in our community of millions of dollars while somehow skirting city inspection requirements.

Take note: Jamie Jones is a member of A Better Atascadero, a political action committee, referred to as a PAC. Former Atascadero Mayor Tom O’Malley, also a member of the PAC, and Jamie Jones both support Auslen. Many in this group supported Kelly Gearhart and Grigger Jones and are tied to past corruption in Atascadero and other corruption in the county, which is still under investigation. Tom O’Malley’s reputation is stained so badly he cannot run for county supervisor himself. These are the people supporting Geoff Auslen.

Without a doubt, Geoff is not who he portrays himself to be. He’s not sure if he’s a moderate or a conservative. He doesn’t understand the issues. Is Auslen a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

We desperately need to clean up the corruption in SLO County. We can’t afford to have a candidate tied to corruption or backed by people with ties to Adam Hill and Kelly Gearhart when this county is still under investigation by the FBI.


Cynthia Muir
Morro Bay

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